Walangari is a Member of, or Associated with, the following Organisations

  • www.supplynation.org.au
    Certified Supplier Member of Supply Nation’s Indigenous Business Direct
  • nswicc.com.au
    Walangari is a member of the NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce
  • aboriginalart.org.au/aaaa/artist-members/
    Walangari is an artist member of the Aboriginal Art Association of Australia
  • www.service.nsw.gov.au/campaign/creative-kids
    Walangari and Diramu are registered Creative Kids Program providers so you can redeem your $100 Creative Kids voucher with us and let your child develop new skills. This applies to our First Nation’s interactive art and culture classes and workshops, both online and face to face, when the current social distancing restrictions are lifted.


Websites with Walangari’s Work, Tours, & Exhibitions

You will find more information about Walangari’s work, tours, and exhibitions by following these website links:


Walangari supports the following Aboriginal owned and operated small businesses